About Me:

I am a native NYer. I grew up in Greenwhich Village in the 70s/80s which was a hot spot for creativity. Both my parents were artistic people.  My mother traveled a lot for business and I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity  to  travel with her and see different cultures at a young age.  After college I worked for my mother running her business for 18 years.  In 2010 my husband (also a photographer), and I moved to Los Angeles, where we now live with our two kids.

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About my Photography:

My creative expression was always an ode to female sensuality.  I've always been an artist but I haven't always been a photographer. My mother is a photographer but ironically for that very reason, I did not study photography. That was her thing. I wanted my own thing. Little did I realize that  my time helping her in the studio was cultivating my eye for beauty and composition.  

It was in college that I first picked up the camera my mother gave me and started shooting. I made it my own thing by shooting pin up and boudoir photography. First my subject was myself, then my peers, then whoever would let me.

This was back in 1995.

Over the years I have honed my technical photography skills while keeping my artist's eye for form, shape and light. I love using my skills to create stunning images of the authentic gorgeous women who I am honored to have as clients.

What started as a school project became a life's passion  and I've been refining my craft ever since. I take boudoir photos that showcase your own inherent beauty. I see photography as a tool to capture and reveal your natural beauty. I showcase my clients in the best lighting and at flattering angles, but the beauty that comes through my images all radiate from within the women that I photograph.

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